In education, the gap between what we know and what we do lies at the heart of the global learning crisis. Without the means to systematically, comprehensively and routinely synthesize evidence in a form that can be used by policy-makers and practitioners, we will be left to “try and guess what the evidence says”, as was the case for health professionals until the 1990s. If we are to get back on track with SDG 4, then the time has come for the education sector to create the knowing-doing infrastructure that has transformed the health sector.
By evidence informed, we mean to incorporate the following in every solution package:
Outputs from rigorous research
Experience of an education practitioner
Experience of an education professional
which we believe will help to easily bridge the gap between ‘What matters?’ and ‘What works?’ in the education ecosystem. All the solution packages developed by CoLab will be digital public goods which can be easily accessed by anyone; we ensure to build capacity of the user to access these solutions; and all the solutions can be easily contextualized.