Learning Spaces at Home

While the pandemic has created distress and has led to a lot of gap in education ecosystem. This also created an opportunity to ensure that children continue learning even at home. Learning spaces at home was an initiative that was implemented at Tumkur and Madhugiri districts of Karnataka, India. And CoLab has packaged this as an evidence-informed solution package that can be contextualised to be implemented by anyone with the support of the resources provided here.
The COVID-19 has resulted in schools shut all across the Tumkur & Madhugiri districts of Karnataka. Students, over 3000 schools are out of the classrooms. As a result, education has changed dramatically with the distinctive rise of e-learning | Community learning centers | self- learning at homes, etc. With this sudden shift away from the classroom, we at Mantra encouraged parents & teachers to build a conducive learning environment spaces at homes. So that students continue to learn even during the pandemic.
The home environment is the foundation for the child's growth and well-being, including all primary caregivers for the child. When a child has the ability to think independently and has the ability to do his or her own work, the dependence on the parent may decrease. But parental influence is constantly on the children. The culture that is formed in a child is the personification of the future.
Recent studies and action research have revealed that a child has a particular place to sit and read. During the six hours of the day the child is sure to have his own place to learn. But regret that there is no specific place for a child to learn at home. It is therefore a concern to allow each child to have his or her own place in order to enhance the child's enduring learning interests.
Let's try to give each child a definite reading space in the space we have in each of our homes. It is imperative that every parent who wishes to advance the education of a child should think in this regard. Let us create a good environment for children to read with interest.
This intervention of creating learning spaces at home is an attempt to create a space at home with which a child will be able to continue their education even when there is no school. And this would make reading a part of their lifestyle.

Role of the actors in the system
SL - School Leader; CRP - Cluster Resource Person; BRP - Block Resource Person;
DIET - District Institute for Education and Training
PTM - Parent TeacherMeeting
We all know the value of creating an engaging, colorful, and educational space in a classroom, but due to the pandemic it is just as important to make an inviting learning space at home so that students are motivated to learn. A dedicated home learning space can help develop child’s creativity, sharpen their focus, and increase their motivation to read and learn.
With a home learning environment, children can:
See education as a priority in the home, especially when schools are closed due to the pandemic
Learn to investigate the world, knowing that learning is everywhere, not just schools
Have choices for reading and learning just for fun
Set routines that support independent learning time and family planning
By making the effort to set aside a special learning space for children, we at Mantra4Change are encouraging new skills among children and creating a spirit of learning even during the pandemic, that will positively impact child’s FLN levels even while they are at home.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Understanding parents perspectives on learning from home
In depth semi structured interviews can be conducted with parents to know their concerns towards children learning at home during pandemic, time they can dedicate towards their child's learning and resources that are available for them to support their children.

The facilitator guides the group without telling its members the outcomes.
The facilitator relies on open communication in the group with the skillful and judicious use of questioning.
The aim is that ‘Facilitation creates a dynamic, personalised process that empowers and challenges individuals and groups to engage in significant learning. This learning leads to meaningful change in behaviour in relation to professional practice.
Key things to consider while facilitating a session
Plan for the session
Flow of the session

Strategies to reach out to parents
There are multiple ways to launch the campaign to bring parents and communities to be a part of the learning space at home. As shown in the image the reach out could be done any of the ways mentioned here which will help.
PTM session flow
Instructions for parents to promote children's learning during Pandemic
Find a conducive space at home for children to study.
Create a time table or assign particular time in the day for studying.
Make sure children are attending TV lessons on time and share related information to children.
Collaborate on filling out/completing school-provided worksheets.
Maintain regular contact with the school/teachers for updates.
Ensure that the child is learning with joy.
Least common rules for parents
Parents sit with their children and help them learn.
Parents should not speak loudly in the mobile environment when children are reading. If necessary, go outside and talk to them without disturbing the reading.
Talking should be more about reading material, not discussing quarrels/any other.
TV should not be used during children's reading sessions.
Talking about animals/birds/plants related programs, allowing children to watch TV channels for at least 30 minutes every day and then discuss it with them.
Starting points for parents to setup learning spaces at home
Choosing a good environment and quiet space for children to read at home.
A proper seating arrangement for the child to sit.
Arrange a bookcase / desk / table / bookshelf, which is suitable for the child to keep.
Provide a homemade cardboard notice board (calendar) and schedule newspaper cuttings for children to sit on.
Useless items in your home can be used for this purpose. Eg: Powder can be cut off the top of the can and put in pens, the bamboo tube is coloured and the pen stands. A cardboard box can make a bookshelf, etc.

Organizing sharing meetings along with parents at school level to talk about their experiences and challenges. This platform can also be imagined as a celebration event for successful completion of the campaign where each stakeholder is appreciated for their efforts.
Planning and scheduling regular PTMs or information sessions for parents to build relationships and to continue supporting their children's learning at home.

Designed and piloted by Tumkur team; Packaged by CoLab
For any updates, support or queries, feel free to email us at colab@mantra4hange.com